How To Draw Winnie The Pooh

How To Draw Winnie The Pooh


how to draw winnie the pooh step 1
Step 1.
In this first step you will be drawing the guidelines and shapes to form a good solid frame of Winnie the Pooh. Start by drawing out the shape of Winnie's head with facial guidelines drawn in. Next draw out the stuffed bears big round tummy where he holds all that honey. From those shapes draw out the guidelines that are attached to the shapes.

Step 2.

In this next step you will be drawing the top line to close of Winnie the Poohs head and shade in two small dots for his eyes. Now after that is complete draw the bottom lining for his shirt and then the shape of his arms as shown above. Next draw out the shape of his stubby looking legs and his rounded feet. That will conclude this step.

how to draw winnie the pooh step 3

Step 3.

This is the last step where you will have to be drawing anything out. So what you want to do next is draw out Poohs ears and eyebrows, then draw his cute button nose. Give him two creases around his mouth line and a little line for the chin. Next draw out the shape of his tight red signature shirt. Now you are ready to erase all the guidelines and shapes.

how to draw winnie the pooh step 4

Step 4.

Ok, this is the last step so do an excellent job! You will start to shape out Winnie's large stomach and his teddy bear-like legs. Don't forgot to add in his left arm that's hidden behind his stomach. When I did this tutorial, I thought it was the easiest tut I've done. Ready for the lineart?

how to draw winnie the pooh step 5

Step 5.

This is what your completed Winnie the Pooh should look like when you are completely done. All you have to do now is color him in and cuddle him close. That will do it for this tutorial on how to draw Winnie the Pooh. See you next time.
